Good vs Bad

For optimum health, we should eat more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff. (I'll post my "Good/Bad List" later.) When considering the idea of following this advice, many people focus on what they should not eat, and feel like they may miss some of the bad stuff if they don't eat it. What if....a person just tried to focus on consuming as much of the good stuff as possible? I would like to challenge you to try this....
Start every day off with a tall glass of fresh water, then drink lots of it all day!
1. eat breakfast! either have a nice bowl of steel cut oats with fresh nut milk, chopped nuts, flaxseed, etc or have one kind of fresh fruit...all you want.
2. for lunch have as much fresh, raw vegetables as you like along with some kind of whole grain (brown rice w/ walnut oil is yummy!
3. Dinner have the same as lunch.
4. also, you may have as much fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, nut butter, raw nuts, and other whole food snacks as you like anytime.

I'll bet, that if you try this, you will end up consuming less of the bad stuff, and after a couple of days, you won't even like the bad stuff.
Really, is a COKE anywhere near as delicious as any fresh fruit juice? (please take the time to "google" aspartame and high fructose corn syrup) A coke offers zero in nutrients, but is loaded with either high fructose corn syrup or aspartame, artificial coloring, and flavoring etc...yuck!


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